Upshift your career


Well, of course you would. This is for you if you are ready to…

  • Say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness and discover a whole new sense of freedom and purpose
  • Finally feel confident and in control of your career and your work days
  • Stop being reactive and become confident, decisive, and at cause
  • Make more money and feel fulfilled in your career

Executive Coaching

I’ve made it my mission and life’s purpose to prove to you that you don’t have to be unhappy, oppressed, or feel held back by your career. That’s old school thinking. You know, the old “Well, if it were fun it wouldn’t be called a job,” kind of thinking.

Let me introduce you to a different concept. It’s called Upshifing your career.

To Upshift Your Career means finally feeling empowered in your daily work life. See, when you continue to tolerate and subject yourself to a disempowering daily grind, you’re causing more harm than you realize to your overall confidence, health, and quality of life. I know because in the 15+ years I’ve spent as a therapist, I’ve seen first hand the damage this causes.

I’m going to teach you how to…

  1. Earn the money you know you’re worth.
  2. Retrain your brain to unlock your fullest potential.
  3. Discover your purpose and become confident in knowing that you can achieve what you set out to do.

I’m here to tell you that all of this really IS possible, even if you don’t believe it right now. My clients experience these same transformations using this very system. Now I’m bringing it straight to you.


  • Fear of corporate layoffs
  • Not getting paid your worth
  • Feeling undervalued

Personalized Executive Coaching

UPSHIFT Your Career is a three-month intensive program with individualized coaching and attention from me, trainings, science-based assessments, and tools that keep you engaged and improving.

Who This Is For

UPSHIFT Your Career is for the ambitious professional who wants to advance their career at high speed. You may believe you are being held back in ways that are both within and outside of your control. This program puts you back in the driver’s seat, learning to influence and lead others, and feeling in control.

If you’ve ever found yourself saying anything like this, then this is for you:

“My frustration at work is starting to affect my health – I’m constantly anxious and can’t sleep well.”

“I have been working in this industry for years and have always felt that I am meant for something more.”

“My future feels completely out of my control. There has to be something more.”

What You Get

  • Emergenetics Profile and Strengths Finder Assessment: Get grounded in your strengths and learn to leverage them! Over the past 20 years, Emergenetics has earned an international reputation as a science-based method used to optimize performance of individuals and teams by leveraging each person’s natural strengths and behaviors. This proven system empowers executives to take action and create lasting change.
  • Nine Private Coaching Sessions: During these calls, you’ll get ongoing attention and an action plan to achieve your goals…. _______—–.  This structured focus gives creates the momentum and results you need.
  • 8 Weekly Deep-Dive Training Modules: These trainings are emailed to your inbox each week. Each training focuses on the challenges of the executive and shows you how to understand where your true expertise and passion lies, establish the work and personal goals that will be most fulfilling to you, and how to achieve them and manifest your greatest career that meets your needs. These trainings give you self-assessments, tactics and actionable tools you can follow to achieve your best results as quickly as possible.
  • 24/7 Access to the Upshift Your Career Private Facebook Group :This closed-door UPSHIFT Your Career group is where you get resources, coaching, tips and peer support.

The Results

This program moves you to a place of total empowerment, a newly attained skill level, and high focus that allows you to achieve the peak performance every successful leader must have. You no longer feel depleted or bogged down by your work environment, colleagues or higher ups.

Transformation Training Modules

Week 1: The Keys to Understanding Your Purpose and Mission: Emergenetics Profile and Strengths Finder Assessment

Week 2: The Secret to Creating & Maintaining Energy for Peak Performance

Week 3:  Dump Your “Baggage” and Catapult Your Career

Week 4: Clearing for Change, Setting Goals, and Creating Mastery

Week 5: How to Become Likeable and Revered

Week 6: Learn to Persuade and Impact Your Team

Week 7: Establish and Strengthen your Network Power Base

Week 8: Learn how to Manage Up & Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Manager

Week 9: The 7 Principles of Influence: Skyrocket Your Leadership

Ready to UPSHIFT Your Career?

Look deep into your career and future with our complimentary UpSHIFT YOUR CAREER Gap Analysis for professionals and business owners. Get aligned with goals that are authentically yours, grow your success, and overall fulfillment by simply providing the below details.

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